Rare Abstract Needlepoint Pillow Kit Flames of Autumn Bargello

Rare Abstract Needlepoint Pillow Kit Flames of Autumn Bargello

$94.99  $75.99 

Manufacturer :  Miscellaneous Manufacturers

Availability : In-Stock


 If you enjoy the subtle shading of flame stitch patterns, you'll be fascinated by this Flames of Autumn  Bargello counted needlepoint enthusiast by Norway's SKS Handarbeid. Worked in tapesty wools on a penelope double mesh needlepoint canvas, your finished results will be beautiful, and will last a lifetime. Worked in  Browns,  Golds, Olive Greens, and Bittersweet orange reds,  this striking piece is sure to fan the 'flames' of your counted bargello needlepoint enthusiasm. This long out of production from Norway is one which you'll enjoy working for many many hours. Truly a mesmerizing design!

Size: 16.50" x 10.25" (26 X 42 cm)

Kit Contains: #4 cotton penelope mesh (12/24) , wool tapestry yarn, needle, instructions and stitch guide. made in Norway *This is a Counted Bargello design*

Manufacturer: SKS Handarbeid
Condition: Vintage New