Rare Coleman Yellow Ware Collector Cross Stitch Sampler Kit

Rare Coleman Yellow Ware Collector Cross Stitch Sampler Kit

$54.99  $43.99 

Manufacturer :  Jeremiah Junction

Availability : In-Stock


Linda Coleman's delightful sampler for the cross stitch enthusiast pays a simple yet lovely homage to Yellowware. First created in England and Scotland during the late 1600's, yellow ware kitchen pottery pieces were made from a clay that has a soft yellow buff color. Quite hard and desirable for use in the kitchen, the popularity of yellowware has lasted for centuries, and has spread across stitch entire world.  Worked in rich colors of DMC flosses, this hard to find folkart sampler makes a perfect background to your own pottery collection!
Size approx : 6" x 21"
Kit contains: 14 count Aida, , cotton floss, chart, instructions. Proudly made in the USA
Artist: © Linda Coleman,
Manufacturer: Jeremiah Junction
Year/Condition: 2005, 2006/ Vintage New