Rare Gerrish Children at Beach CrewelEmbroidery Kit Sand Castles

Rare Gerrish Children at Beach CrewelEmbroidery Kit Sand Castles

$74.99  $59.99 

Manufacturer :  Sunset Designs

Availability : In-Stock



Two young children play eagerly in the sand on their day at the beach. Quietly working away, mesmerized by the possibilities and the adventure of the task at hand, this scene is beautifully captured by Charlene Gerrish for the crewel embroidery enthusiast. A "gallery" style crewel design, the original painting is reproduced and printed carefully on the fabric, youll add your stitching in select areas for a collaborative effort you'll be proud to display for many years to come. What a beautiful piece to hang at the summer cottage! Simple stitching is used so that even a novice can achieve great results in this long out of production design. Simply charming! 

Size: 16" x 20"
Kit contains: printed design on 20" x 24" 100% polyester fabric, 100% wool sufficient to complete the design, needle, full color print and complete instructions. Proudly made in the USA
Artist: Charlene Gerrish
Manufacturer: Sunset Stitchery
Year/Condition: 1981/Vintage New