Rare Haymakers Lunch Needlepoint Canvas Dejeuner de Faneuses

Rare Haymakers Lunch Needlepoint Canvas Dejeuner de Faneuses

$296.99  $148.50 

Manufacturer :  Royal Paris and Tapex of Vienna

Availability : In-Stock


Royal Paris Needlepoint Canvases are known the world over for their timeless designs and exceptional quality. Late 19th century French Painter Julien Dupre's original Le Dejeuner de Faneuses was the inspiration for this gorgeous needlepoint canvas . Also known as the Haymakers Lunch, this vital and hard working couple makes an excellent and classic design suitable for the most elegant homes. This vintage treasure was adapted for Steiner Freres SA long out of production Royal Paris 146 33 series circa 1991.  

Canvas size: 23.75" x 35.5"    10 / 20 anitque Penelope canvas
Design Size: 19" x 29" Diameter   Color match blocks on side of Canvas, Suggestion list for Anchor and DMC wool/floss colors included. Made in France
Artist: Adapted & Based on Julien Dupre Le Dejeuner de Faneuses
Manufacturer: Steiner Freres SA Royal Paris 
Year/Condition: 1991 /Vintage New in Excellent Condition