Rare Inspirational MotherChild Longstitch NeedlepointKit Madonna

Rare Inspirational MotherChild Longstitch NeedlepointKit Madonna

$89.99  $80.99 

Manufacturer :  Paternayan Tapestrations

Availability : In-Stock


Some early paintings of the Madonna and child were meant to be more symbolic than realistic. This lovely needlework picture is a perfect example of this artistic style, from the golden light surrounding Jesus’ head to the wise and knowing expression on His face. Mary wears a serene smile on her face and a fluffy white lamb nuzzles in for a closer look. The rich colors and sharp detail of this long out of production design for the longstitch needlepoint enthusiast create a calming sense of peace, and will be a perfect addition to any décor. 

Size: 11” x 14” (27.9 x 35.6 cm)

Contains: full color design on 14 interlock canvas, needle, Persian yarn, and instructions. Made in USA.

Manufacturer: Paternayan Tapestrations

Condition: Vintage New