Rare Leclair Champagne Iris Sculptured Embroidery Pillow Kit

Rare Leclair Champagne Iris Sculptured Embroidery Pillow Kit

$119.99  $95.99 

Manufacturer :  Elsa Williams

Availability : In-Stock


We are pleased to add this Rare Michael LeClair Champagne Iris Pillow to our collection for the embroidery enthusiast.  Simple backstitching on shimmering polished cotton satin creates the rich textured look of Sculptured Embroidery. Delicate surface embroidery can be used to create the lovely Iris floral design. Your finished work will become today's treasure, and tomorrow's heirloom. You'll use cotton embroidery floss on a champagne ivory polished cotton satin, replete with underlining to work the quilting, polyester batting, and cording. A delightful design suitable for stitchers at a level with some basic experience and above. This treasure arrived in overly shopworn packaging which has been replaced to keep piece clean and ready to work. Simply lovely!


Size: 13.5" squared (34.29cm)


Kit Contains: Design printed on lustrous Champagne Embroidery Satin. Cotton floss, polyester batting, and underlining to work the quilting, Satin backing, gusset, and cording. Needle, easy directions and stitch instructions. Proudly made in the U.S.A.


Artist: Michael LeClair ©


Manufacturer: Elsa Williams


Condition: Vintage New in replaced packaging