Rare Musical Instruments Needlepoint Canvas Horns Lyre Tamborine

Rare Musical Instruments Needlepoint Canvas Horns Lyre Tamborine

$79.99  $40.00 

Manufacturer :  William Briggs, Penelope, Anchor

Availability : In-Stock


Coats & Anchor; the name is synonymous with excellent quality and style. The parent company of William Briggs, World Renown printer of needlepoint canvases & kits, you know any piece you get from this illustrious needlework manufacturer is sure to be top notch. This long out of production Music Panel needlepoint canvas is hand screened on tan 10/20 Penelope Canvas with  Color bar on side with match suggestions for Coats & Anchor wool. Brass horns, a tamborine, sheet music, and a lyre all set against an elegant leaf and ribbon scroll. Perfect for a panel or perhaps a small bench.

Canvas size: 30.25" x 15"
Design size:  24" x 11"
Color blocks with anchor wool suggestions on side of canvas. Identifying Mark w/p 477. No wools included; Made in England.
Manufacturer:  Coats Anchor  for Penelope
Condition: Undated Vintage New