Rare Rocking Reindeer and Teddy Crewel Embroidery Stocking Kit

Rare Rocking Reindeer and Teddy Crewel Embroidery Stocking Kit

$199.99  $159.99 

Manufacturer :  Bucilla

Availability : In-Stock


This adorable holiday time teddy bear has his candy cane in hand, and is riding his own friendly reindeer to bring you cheerful yuletide greetings in this long out of production design for the crewel embroidery Christmas stocking collector. You'll work in persian crewel yarns with cotton floss and metallic thread for a bit of holiday glimmer. Perfect for any boy or girl of any age, this piece is sure to become a favorite family heirloom.
Size: 18" Diagonal
Kit contains: Stamped fabric ( 50% cotton, 50% polyester), Persian crewel yarn on 100% wool, 100% cotton embroidery floss, gold metallic thread, needles and easy to follow instructions. Proudly made in the USA
Artist: Bucilla Artisans
Manufacturer: Bucilla
Year/Condition: 1986/Vintage New