Rare Shirley HandPainted Forest Santa NeedlepointStocking Canvas

Rare Shirley HandPainted Forest Santa NeedlepointStocking Canvas

$549.99  $275.00 

Manufacturer :  Handcrafted by Needle Artisan

Availability : In-Stock




It's a magical night; the stars twinkle between the quiet forest, as Santa walks with a candle covered tree, his woodland animal friends walking alongside.  From Melissa Shirley's long out of production 2002 series of stockings, this treasure will be absolutely stunning when you've finished it for someone special on your gift giving list. 


  • Designer: Melissa Shirley
  • Canvas Size: 30 x 17.5
  •  Design Size: 26 x 12 Count: 18
  • Count: 18
No wools or threads included.