Rare White Hydrangea Crewel Embroidery Kit Bluebells

Rare White Hydrangea Crewel Embroidery Kit Bluebells

$129.99  $103.99 

Manufacturer :  Bucilla

Availability : In-Stock


In the language of flowers, white hydrangeas are often used to symbolize unflinching devotion. This lovely, long out of production panel for the crewel enthusiast is sure to have devotees of it's own! Worked in wool yarns and rayon threads on a woven rayon/silk panel, your finished piece will work framed, or as a mounted canvas too. Simple stitches give a clean, contemporary feel to this beautiful summer floral.

Size: 18" x 22"

Kit contains: Stamped decorator picture or Panel, colorful 100% virgin wool yarns, rayon embroidery thread, easy to follow instructions. Proudly made in the USA

Artist: ©Bernhard Ulmann

Manufacturer: Bucilla

Year/Condition: 1971/ Vintage New