Rare Williams ElizabethRush ReproSampler Stamped CrossStitch Kit

Rare Williams ElizabethRush ReproSampler Stamped CrossStitch Kit

$129.99  $103.99 

Manufacturer :  Elsa Williams

Availability : In-Stock


One of Winterthur's most beautiful and important samplers was worked by Elizabeth Rush of Philadelphia and is dated 1734. She worked her sampler at the school of Elizabeth Marsh and Ann Marsh, who taught needlework to some of the most prominent families of 18th century Philadelphia. The vine-like, cross stitch border and embroidered bands of stylized flowers were very popular in Philadelphia at that time. Between the flowery bands, she added homilies, designed to keep young people on the straight and narrow path. This licensed interpretation of that famous sampler housed in the Winterthur Collection is worked as a pre-stamped cross stitch and embroidery design on a very fine count ( appears to be 40) cream linen in smooth cotton flosses.  This treasure arrived in battered packaging which has been replaced to keep piece clean and ready to work.

Size: 16"x 20"

Kit contains: 12.5" x 16" design printed on 20" x 24" linen, 100% cotton floss, needle, complete directions and stitch instructions.Proudly made in the USA

Artist: Interpreted from 1734 Elizabeth Rush Sampler courtesy of Winterthur Collection
Manufacturer: Elsa Williams (Licensed manufacturer of Winterthur needlework)
Condition:Vintage New in replaced packaging