Rare Bourdet WateringCan Nasturtiums CrossStitch Kit House Wrens

Rare Bourdet WateringCan Nasturtiums CrossStitch Kit House Wrens

$89.99  $71.99 

Manufacturer :  Needletreasures, JCA Inc

Availability : In-Stock


Artist Susan Bourdet says of this charming design “Last summer a family of house wrens occupied one of our birdhouses. When the fledglings left the nest, I watched as; one after another, they plopped to the ground. The little mother had quite a task in rounding them up and keeping them safely hidden. The watering can in the painting is an antique, and adds a touch of old-fashioned charm.” Beautifully translated for the counted cross stitch enthusiast, the dazzling bright greens of nasturtium leaves contrast beautifully with  purple asters and yellow and orange nasturtium blooms. Set against a black background for a striking effect, this long out of production design is certain to add a touch of country charm. 
Size: 14" x 18" ( 36 x 46 cm)
**Theft Notice **© Austintatious Offerings Vintage Needleworks; Please Report All Intellectual Property Theft
Kit contains: Charted design for # 14, 100% cotton Aida, "The Color Organizer" with presorted 100% cotton floss, needle, complete instructions. Proudly made in the USA
Artist: ©Susan Bourdet and Wild Wings
Manufacturer: Needle Treasures Borderlines, JCA
Condition: Vintage New